A charge of retail theft is a serious matter which can permanently damage your reputation. Stores are vigorously prosecuting these offenses or face rising insurance premiums
The most important thing for many of our clients charged with theft is to try to keep their record clean. Many attorneys will try to end the case quickly by pleading their client guilty for probation. We are patient and do not take the easy way out. We have represented people charged with misdemeanor and felony theft, both employees and non employees, and we have had many charges reduced and/or dismissed.
A problem with retail theft is that even a small item can end up as a misdemeanor or felony charge. Whether you were in a store fitting room trying on clothes and walked out with the clothes still on or unintentionally left the store with unpaid items in your cart or in your possession, you can be charged with retail theft which can impact your entire life.
Most of the time you cannot expunge, or clean, a felony from your record, so that even one conviction for a small amount of property can permanently damage your background and reputation.
Our firm works aggressively to defend you in any misdemeanor or felony charge. We will personally discuss the facts of the case and will advise you of your various options. We are available to meet personally with you to comfort your stress level as the first consultation is free of charge.
We are committed to get you the most favorable outcome and if need be we can negotiate with the Prosecuting Attorney for a lesser charge or other favorable settlement.
Of course, depending on the facts of your case, at times trial is an option. If you decide to go for a bench or jury trial, we will put the best case forward.